The market for putter grips has exploded over the last several years. There are multiple companies offering solutions to help an endless supply of golfers with putting woes. This past year I attended the PGA Merchandise show, and came across a company that really blew me away with their offerings. Their name is P2 Grips, and I believe their designs can help golfers have a better chance of success on the greens.
One of the issues that plagues golfers on the putting green is overactive hands. This usually results in poor distance control, and an inability to start the ball on its intended line. I have suffered from this issue most of my putting life. I have found solace in some of the newer grips out there, and absolutely believe they can give golfers a better chance at success.
Let's find out more about P2 Grips, and why I believe their innovations are worth your attention.
Why Their Approach is Different
The first thing I immediately noticed when I tried out their grips was how nicely your hands were positioned on the club. If you talk to many putting coaches they will discuss how setting your hands properly will help reduce the clubface from twisting during your stroke. This is one of the keys to starting your putts on their intended line. How open or closed the putter face is at impact mostly determines the starting direction of the ball.
While this certainly can't apply to all golfers, if more players had the ability to lock their wrists during their stroke it would help them strike more putts properly.

This is exactly what P2 Grips are designed to do. Their patented design positions the shaft at the back of the club. Traditionally, putter grips have all aligned the shaft through the center of the club.
What they are hoping to achieve is to position the grip through the "lifeline" of your hands. This helps keep your forearms in alignment with the shaft. Great putters have a tendency to have everything working together as one unit (hands through shoulders) rather than getting a yippy motion that is dominated by your hands. Typically when I watch most recreational golfers this is what I see (myself included at times).

So can a putter grip fix this?
My Experience with P2 Grips
After I tried out their grips at the PGA Show back in January, I immediately switched to their React Tour model. Since then I have shown it around to several teaching professionals and players whose opinions I respect. Their reactions were all quite similar - they commented on how natural the position of their hands felt and wondered where I got it.

I've been playing with their grip for several months now, and I absolutely love it.
Previously I had been using a SuperStroke Flatso 5.0, which is one of the popular oversized putting grips on the market. At this stage in my golfing life I prefer a larger grip, and I recommend it to anyone who has issues with overactive hands during their stroke. While the P2 Grip is certainly not a panacea for my putting issues, I firmly believe it is giving me a better chance at striking putts properly on the greens.

Whenever I go back to a normal-sized putting grip it almost feels more difficult to putt with. Am I sinking putts left and right with this new grip? Absolutely not! Putting is hard.
But I do believe a grip like this can help a golfer struggling with their distance control or shorter putts, without making any major mechanical changes to their stroke.

You Are Going to Hear More About Them
P2 Grips is relatively new to the market (they launched in 2016). I don't believe the secret is going to last for long. They have 8 models that are split into two categories - Core Models and Tour Models. Their are variations in the weight of each grip as well as the design of the actual grip.
There has been a ton of interest in their designs, and you will be able to purchase them through a growing retail network or online through their site.
I am always on the lookout for something new and different in the golf industry to write about, and I believe these putting grips fit the bill. If you are struggling with your putting and using a traditional grip I would think about giving these a try.
Bonus Content:Be sure to check out my complete guide to putting.
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