Custom putters have exploded in popularity over the last several years in the golf industry. There are so many options available now to players not named Scotty Cameron. I want to showcase many of the independent manufacturers out there making quality designs.
Our list includes custom putter companies that are using a high-quality manufacturing process, custom options in terms of design and/or specifications, and have developed unique technology. Most importantly, they are all independently owned and not part of any of the major manufacturers in the golf industry.
Be prepared to drool!

Based out of Chicago, Bettinardi has been churning out boutique putter designs since the 1990s, and have a pretty incredible showcase of custom work in their portfolio. They also have an impressive line of putters that are being used by touring pros and amateurs around the world.
Recently they released an interesting arm-lock technology currently being used by Matt Kuchar. They are certainly one of the leaders when it comes to custom putters.
Edel Golf

Edel golf is also another name that has gained popularity in the custom putter world over the past few years. Based out of Texas, they have focused on design and innovation, and created some of the most unique putters on the market. They have built up an impressive network of fitters as well to make sure you are getting the right design and specs for their unique flatsticks.
Carbon Putters

Carbon putters have received numerous awards in the industry for the performance of their milled putters. They have more customization options than most companies out there, especially if you are looking to create a work of art. Located near Denver, they are building some of the finest blades around.
Lamb Crafted

Tyson Lamb's name has been floating around the putting world the last few years, and many have called him the next Scott Cameron. You could make a strong case he is creating the finest custom putters currently available, and some of his designs have fetched thousands of dollars since they are such unique pieces of artwork. You can only purchase putters as custom designs, which adds a bit of mystique to the name. In other words, be prepared to open up your wallets!
Low Tide Custom Putters

Low Tide are a strictly custom putter company based out of Charlotte, North Carolina. Their portfolio of designs are some of the best out there, and golfers who are looking to have a design that is truly individual should check them out.
Piretti Golf

Piretti Golf are another Texas company making some amazing putter designs. They have a strong portfolio of custom putters as well as multiple standard options.
Ricky Johnson Custom Putters

Ricky Johnson putters are located in...you guessed it, Texas. They are making custom milled putters that have a technology called GameFace which touts a better roll off the face to help with your distance and control.
Byron Morgan

Based out of Huntington Beach, CA Byron Morgan is crafting truly custom putters that allow you to specify weighting, lie angle, loft, sight line, balance and of course your design.
MLA Golf

MLA Golf is a Swiss putter company that has made a splash in the industry and received a few awards for their patented-alignment system. They allow golfers to adjust weights to fit their particular stroke, which adds to their customization options. They are certainly worth a look because they are combining design, quality, and some new technology that other putters don't have.
See More Putters

See More Putters are worth a mention on this list because of their unique alignment system, and their growing popularity in the putting industry (as well as with tour players). Their patented Riflescope technology helps golfers set up their putter on their target line.
Evnroll Putters

Evnroll makes the list despite not offering a custom putter design simply because they have technology that has been recognized as superior to other putter companies. The grooves on their putter are designed to give you a more consistent strike on the golf ball even if you miss the sweet spot. This is a big deal for putters who are looking for more speed control, which is arguably the most important factor for successful putters.
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